Dear Osaa,

It’s been a year since u said yes
A year of joys and a year of tears
A year of assurances against our fears
Fears that we wouldn’t survive the test of time
Often worried that we’d have to settle for a trial by combat
Our only crime to fall in love
Our only penance, to stay in love

It’s been a year since u said yes
A year of pushing and pulling
Arguments and make ups
Frowns and smiles, hisses and kisses
Some days we wonder if it’s meant to be
If we are meant to set sail
To ride out the waves of this sea called love
Constant with its turbulent storms
Battered on all sides
Yet ur love remained, perfect in its form
After all what’s a rose without its thorns

It’s been a year since u said yes
Funny how a three letter word brought so much joy
Which is itself another three letter word
Happiness fit to resurrect the dead
A joy that filled me with dread
Questioning if I really deserved u
For surely a mere mortal like myself had no business with extra-terrestrial beauty

It’s been a year since u said yes
And I promise u I still want to give my best
Stand beside u and dab u for tests
Protect u, be ur bullet-proof vest
Because I’ve search north south east and west
And I’m sure u are the best
Last couple of lines were a bit corny
Probably cos I’m writing at 4 in the morning
But it’s been a year since u said yes
So this is looking forward to the next year
And to let u know, thanks for last year
